Our Policy on Quality, Food Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment

Anako Yumurta, as a reliable, innovative, competitive, pioneer and leader company in the market in providing products and services in the egg and egg products sector, adopts the following as its quality, food safety, occupational health-safety, and environmental policy, and undertakes to work accordingly by providing access to all relevant parties.

To offer quality and reliable products in compliance with the current legislation and laws by keeping the customer focus and satisfaction at the forefront throughout the value chain,

To carry out continuous training activities to increase the knowledge and skill levels of the employees by adopting an educated and conscious employee approach at all levels,

To carefully select the source of our products with our supplier trainings and high experience, and to verify the adequacy of all our suppliers with effective monitoring and quality control in our production,

To manage the storage and shipping processes in a way that best preserves the unique features of the product,

While increasing the quality of our products and activities, to keep under control and minimize the possible significant effects of our activities on the environment and human health,

To provide the necessary human, technology, and financial resources for the efficient use of natural resources and energy, in line with our sustainability principle, adhering to universal values,

To ensure that occupational diseases and work accidents do not occur or be minimized by evaluating all risks regarding occupational health and safety with the participation of all employees,

To create work areas where our employees can work safely, comfortably, and happily,

To always keep food safety at the highest level by adhering to our values,

To develop all our processes, especially production, by following the technology closely,

To create food safety awareness throughout the value chain by communicating effectively with all our stakeholders, especially our suppliers, customers, and dealers,

To continuously develop and improve our quality and food safety management system with the participation of all our employees.

Kalite, gıda güvenliği, iş sağlığı-güvenliği ve çevre politikası olarak benimsiyor ve ilgili tüm taraflara erişimini sağlayarak, buna uygun çalışmayı taahhüt ediyoruz.